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Household Hazardous Waste


居民可以把他们的家庭危险废物带到县的废物处理中心 Mini-Transfer and 回收 设施. 一些选定的家庭危险废物项目可以由 residential curbside service.

澳门正规网赌网址大全只向居民家庭提供这些服务,企业必须聘请一名 hazardous hauler.

Hazardous Products

如果产品具有腐蚀性,则被认为是有害的, 有毒, 易燃, 或与其他物质混合时发生反应或爆炸. 注意标签上的信号词,如“有毒”、“危险”、“警告”和“小心”. 大多数澳门正规网赌网址大全的家庭都含有3到10加仑的这些有害产品. 这些包括日常用品,如油漆, insecticides, 清洁工, automotive products and unused medications.

Improper Disposal Dangers

危险产品必须以适当的方式处理,以减少对环境的影响和任何安全隐患. Toxic products tossed in the trash, may injure sanitation workers, damage collection vehicles, or leak into the environment. 倾销或 illicit discharging household hazardous waste down the drain, on the ground, 或者在雨水排水沟会造成水污染, damage plumbing, and septic systems.

Accepted Items

Mini-Transfer & 回收 Facility

Batteries​: Lead-Acid batteries from cars, 船, motorcycles, 割草机可以在路边回收, taken to a retailer, or brought to a Mini-Transfer and 回收 设施 可充电电池(NiCad)不应扔进垃圾桶. Take to a retailer or to a Mini-Transfer and 回收 Facility. 普通的一次性家用电池可以扔进垃圾桶.

Cleaners and Polishes: 把它们用完或者给有能力的人. 家用清洁剂即使已经用了好几年了,仍然可以使用. You can also take them to a Mini-Transfer and 回收 Facility. ​

Cooking Oil: 澳门正规网赌网址大全的居民可以在中县和西夏洛特免费处理用过的食用油 Mini-Transfer and 回收 设施.

Gasoline, Kerosene and Diesel Fuel​: 居民们被鼓励用完作为发动机燃料. Strain old gasoline through a paint filter, 用新鲜汽油稀释一半,然后在割草机里用完. Another method is to take to a Mini-Transfer and 回收 Facility. 燃料应装入密封牢固的容器中. 将任何家庭有害废物倾倒到下水道、雨水渠或任何水域都是违法的.​​ See more about illegal dumping and illicit discharges.

Pesticides and Herbicides: 最好的处理方法是按照标签上的说明使用它们,或者把它们交给能使用它们的人. If this is not possible, bring to a Mini-Transfer and 回收 Facility.

Pool Chemicals: 尽量用完这些,小心不要把酸和氯混合在一起. Keep containers tightly sealed. If necessary, bring to a Mini-Transfer and 回收 Facility.

汞: 请将含有这种有毒金属的设备带到 Mini-Transfer and 回收 Facility​. 物品包括荧光灯管,温度计.

Paint, Strippers, Stains, and Varnishes​: 可用的油漆可以用作底漆或送人. 取下盖子晾干或与猫砂混合,少量的油漆会变硬. 干了的油漆可以安全地处理在你的普通垃圾桶里,只要记住不要盖上盖子. 如果你不能用上述方法摆脱它,把它带到a Mini-Transfer and 回收 Facility. 尽量用完它们,也尽量使用水性产品. If you can’t use it up, then bring it to a Mini-Transfer & 回收 Facility​.

Syringes and Hypodermic Needles: 县里有两个地点,一个供市民领取新的和丢弃用过的利器容器:
  • Both County Mini-Transfer 设施 during their regular hours
  • 蓬塔戈尔达市消防部门办公室位于公共安全大楼1410 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda, Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

此服务仅供居民使用,企业不能参与. If you are unable to drive to the Mini-Transfer and 回收 Facility,请致电941.764.4360. 利器是转运设施唯一接受的生物医学废物. No "red bag" waste will be accepted. 请与您的医疗机构联系,了解这些类型的生物有害废物的处理说明.


Motor Oil and Used Oil Filters: 路边机油/滤清器和不泄漏的铅酸电池收集在您的预定服务日提供. 使用一个透明的加仑容器(牛奶罐式),带有螺旋盖的油和透明塑料袋的过滤器,并将物品放置在离垃圾车5英尺远的地方. 将不漏水的汽车铅酸电池放在离你的车5英尺远的路边. Many auto parts stores also take used oil.

将任何家庭有害废物倾倒到下水道、雨水沟或任何水域都是违法的.​​ See more about illegal dumping and illicit discharges.

Batteries​: Lead-Acid batteries from cars, 船, motorcycles, 割草机可以在路边回收, taken to a retailer, or brought to a Mini-Transfer & 回收 Facility​.

Electronics (E-Waste): Unwanted electronics, 电子垃圾, 只可在您的定期服务日按要求领取吗. To schedule an E-Waste pickup with pickup request form or call Waste Management at 941.629.1106 or 941.697.0012 (Englewood地区)预定接机日前2天.

Small Quantity Generator (SQG) Program

Sections 403.7225 and 403.7234, Florida Statutes (F.S.)建立本地危险废物评估和小数量产生者通知和核查程序. SQG计划旨在教育潜在的生产者在危险废物管理方面的法律责任.

  • Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG): vsqg每月产生的有害废物少于220磅,少于2磅.2磅急性危险废物(如某些农药), 毒素, 或砷和氰化物).
  • Small Quantity Generator (SQG): 工厂每月产生220到2200磅的危险废物.
  • Large Quantity Generator (LQG): lqg每月产生2200磅或更多的危险废物.每月2磅或更多的急性危险废物.


如果您想讨论危险废物合规问题,请拨打941.764.4360 or visit Hazardous Waste Compliance and Enforcement for more information.

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